



安德鲁Tingay partners with clients to innovatively challenge their business from concept to operations, 从组织结构到资本的战术支出.

This collaborative approach creatively reinvents processes and projects to be more efficient which naturally cascades to an increased return on investment.

现在担任正规博彩十大网站排名全球战略咨询解决方案总监, Andrew is passionate and partners to challenge today with clients and his team of more than 1,000名全球技术专家, 顾问和从业人员. 他专注于整合复杂的知识, 理解, insight and diversity of thought needed to truly challenge thinking and assumptions.

“Our global strategic consulting practice is a diverse team of 技术 specialists, 应用协作咨询的顾问和实践者. 数字, 设计/工程, 科学与战略, 一致, 将是发现的基础吗, 证明和提供包容性, 在我们的关键部门制定有韧性和富有成效的大流行后解决方案.”




Andrew拥有超过20年的咨询经验, 拥有商学学士学位, 文学硕士(传播学)和公共政策与管理硕士. 在他的职业生涯中, he has advised public and private sector clients in policy and strategy across transport (aviation, 路, 铁路), 能源, 水, 国防、国家安全和社会首页.

集体技能, 知识和经验1 .以上,000 Strategic 咨询 team members globally makes us the catalyst to enable transformational change to reinvent tomorrow.  通过与我们的设计和技术解决方案的密切合作, 创造性思维, 变革管理专业知识, 远见卓识和超前规划专业知识, 战略咨询公司的眼光超越了项目, 寻求创建和实施弹性, sustainable and connected solutions that positively impact societies around the world.  我们要把不可能变为可能.

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    toes - a childhood accident resulted in loss of half a toe which used to equally fascinate and scare his children

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    meters lived from a beach for the last 20 years, yet he's never taught himself to swim